
  1. The principles on which Indian National Yuva Jana Party is based:

    1. Democracy — A free society depends on functional institutions, a free media and organizes civic, social, and economic life using the principles of participatory democracy arising from direct action and public accountability. Those affected by a decision have an opportunity to participate in that decision.
    2. Equality — All people are welcomed as part of a free society. All people are equal and all labor is valued equally.
    3. Diversity — All people in a free society are different, and space for their difference is paramount to their equality.
    4. Security — Every human in a free society has secure access to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, health care, information, education, and transportation.
    5. Creativity — A free society values culture, art, and leisure as fundamental needs. Every person has the right to their own culture and to practice creative expression.
    6. Self-Determination — A free society is decentralized and all localities are autonomous and self-determined so long as they do not infringe upon the other basic principles of a free society.
    7. Interdependence — Communities in a free society are dependent on one another through mutual aid and exchange.
    8. Justice — All people (and living beings) have the right to be free from coercion, threat, and violence. A justice system should reside in the community it affects, seek resolution rather than revenge, and should work towards abolition of authoritarian prisons and jails.
    9. Peace — A free society uses conflict as an opportunity to learn from divergent views, opinions and experiences, with the goal of crafting agreements and taking actions that affirm the humanity and basic rights of all parties.
    10. Ecology — Humans live in balance with, and are part of, the natural world. A free society recognizes the right to clean water, clean air and food free of industrial toxins and genetic engineering. We have borrowed this planet from our children and it is our responsibility to return it to them in good livable condition.
    11. Economy — In a free society the means of production should be placed in the hands of the people, empowering communities to organize meaningful employment, and provide a responsible and sustainable standard of living which tries to meet the needs of all people.

  2. The policies, aims and objects it pursues or seeks to pursue:

    Our policy framework will be in pursuit of our stated principles above. All our policies will be focused on achieving an egalitarian society based on our political principles (as stated in ‘a’ above).

    Aims and Objectives of the organization will be to make people aware of our stated political principles and chalk out programmes that would enable us to implement our policies and principles.

    Few of our immediate objectives are:

    1. Universal Free Education
    2. Free Medical Services for all
    3. Universal Basic Income
    4. Abolition of individual income-tax
    5. Recall of errant and non performing elected representatives
    6. Introduction of “referendum” for all major policy decisions taken by government

  3. Its programme, functions and activities for the purpose of carrying out its principles, policies, aims and objects:

    We will mobilize people of India to demand their rights. Participate in elections to come to power to implement our policies and welfare measure for larger good. Following programs will be taken up:

    1. Universal free education - Campaign and implementation of The Article 13 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ensures the right to free education at primary education and progressive introduction of it at secondary and higher education as the right to education. As we are marching towards a "Knowledge based" society, it is important that quality education is imparted to citizens of India. Indoctrination (as it exists today) is no education. Every individual should be free to choose their 'study subject' and pursue it further. Our objective is to take education to the needy. Children who have no access to school or cannot afford one will have the opportunity to learn from home. We will take education to doorsteps of every family. We will broadcast education through several channels created exclusively for the target population. Lessons will be broadcast in several languages 24x7. Students can learn at their convenient time and be free to choose medium of education. Students will be able to take examinations at their convenience. Designated examination centers will be open 24x7x365. Computers will be provided to the needy (free of cost) to pursue education. Internet connections will be provided free of cost for education purpose. Through education campaigns will teach the needy how to use Computers for education, how to take notes from lessons broadcast over TV etc. Students will be allowed to take examinations conducted by universities that provides on-line tests to award certificates.
    2. Free Medical Services Medical services should be free of charge and available to all. Alternate medicines are a good and effective substitute. Generic medicines will be promoted where ever branded medicines are prohibitively costly. All surgeries should be free for all. The government will reimburse the surgical costs directly to hospitals and doctors. Audit of hospital finances w.r.t in-flow of reimbursement from government will be made compulsory and perpetual. Hospitals and doctors will be held responsible for their claims from government.
    3. Universal/Guaranteed basic income (UBI) UBI mainly as a way to combat the economic and social consequences of falling industrial employment by freeing all – from students to the elderly; stay-athome parents to the unemployed – to make meaningful contributions to society by, for example, volunteering. We believe it can cut poverty and inequality and is a way to a leaner, less bureaucratic welfare system, UBI is a must amid warnings that automation could threaten up to a third of current jobs within 20 years HOUSE WIVES in rural and middleclass households work non-stop without their labor being accounted as productive labor. A cook at a rich man's house is paid (for his/her work), similarly a cook in a restaurant or hotel (gets recognition for his/her work) gets paid but a house wife's work in the kitchen is not recognized as labor. Its not counted as productive labor. Besides kitchen work, she takes care of the children, washes dish, cleans the house, takes care of guests etc. We will recognize women's labor at home as productive labor and would include her in UBI schemes. There is a need to introduce UBI on a trial basis to "House-wife" class and analyze the results for a bigger group.
    4. Abolition of individual income-tax With the introduction of GST (Goods and Services Tax) we recommend abolition of individual income-tax. Why should a hard earning person be taxed twice? It is unethical and immoral to tax a earning person twice. Let the earning person enjoy tax relief with her/his family and friends. With additional saving let each one pursue their passion.
    5. Recall of elected representatives We will effectively introduce recall of elected and non-elected representatives by the electorate. People will exercise their right to change representatives who deceive them at the time of elections. Buying votes, false promises, corruption and cheating people need to be stopped. One way of doing this is by people having right to recall their elected representatives.
    6. Referendum on major policy decisions Irrespective of majority in the Legislative assembly or Parliament we will introduce compulsory referendum on major policy issues. It has become a common practice to buy and sell support in the state assemblies and Parliaments. "Cash for vote" is too common among elected representatives. This has to stop. Therefore we will ensure people have a say on important policy matters through referendum.